I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately. I know this may sound a little repetitive since my pre-departure post was based on time as well, but now that I’ve been here for almost a full month, time is back on my mind.
This all started a few days ago when I was on the tube on my way to work. Because of where my flat is located, commuting is a big part of my experience here so far. CAPA is a 40 minute tube ride and my internship is about 35 minutes from home. The tube station is a 10 minute walk so to get to class in time, I have to leave at least an hour before to allot extra time. At first, frustration would consume my time up because adjusting to constantly being on the go is not easy. Whoever said that being from NYC would make my life easier lied. It’s not that it was a shock to walk everywhere or take the tube or completely ignore my surroundings by getting lost in my headphones, however, London travels at a different pace. The tube in the morning before school or work is like summer in The Bronx when the Yankees have a home game: packed and sweaty. I’m used to all that by now, though. I now pass the time people watching, trying to figure out all of the possible ways that the tube lines connect, or actually getting lost in my headphones. I’ve actually started looking forward to taking the tube.
The days go by so much faster here and I can’t believe that a whole month is about to make its mark. Time is a precious thing. I have done so much already, but this is only the beginning. I will continue to enjoy my commute while trying to learn about the people that surround me.