Buongiorno! I found that this last day here in September was worthy of my last blog’s topic for the month. So this past week my Art class met at the National Museum of Rome to gather around and sketch whatever our hearts desired. So a few days later my roommates and I in that class decided to take it upon ourselves to revisit the museum and examine its glories upon each floor (it is roughly a four story building). Of course though as soon as we left Mother Nature decided to start pouring on us, but we stuck through with it, making our endeavors a better story to talk about later. The artifacts and sculptures at this exhibition are absolutely beautiful and so interesting; reading the background behind each piece opens your mind to the historic value of everything. At one corner I was looking at a sculpture of Marcus Aurelius, one of Rome’s finest emperors and then later on a mummy of an 8 year girl from around 200 AD. After sketching a couple of drawings we made our way back via the tram to our apartment, and just to give an idea of how public transportation is here in this city, our thirty minute ride was absolutely packed; every inch of this ride was taken up by people, imagine what felt like several hundred people crammed on a normal sized tram, and then taking that every day. It is definitely an acquired custom to get used to. Anyway, this first weekend of October ISA is taking us to visit the Amalfi Coast, consisting of Sorrento, Capri, Vesuvius, and Pompeii and I cannot wait. Until next time folks, arrivederci!