For the first time I woke up excited for my freezing shower. IT’S FIJI DAY! My flight to Fiji leaves in a couple of hours and the butterflies in my stomach are as strong as the day I left America. Even a year ago, when I would think of Fiji it was this far off land where couples went for their honeymoon. The water bottles were the closest I thought I would ever get! Here I am, with my bags packed, ready to adventure. I am also feeling nervous because this is the first time I will visit another island in the pacific outside of my Samoa. Will I like it more? Will I want to come back to Samoa where I’m comfortable and knowledgeable? If I’ve learned anything from these last two months it’s to stop thinking and appreciate the butterflies. This will be our last excursion before we fully focus on our research projects for the rest of the semester. I am anticipating a lot of learning, culture and excitement in Fiji. It also doesn’t hurt that I have been blessed with some wonderful people in this group who are always looking for adventure and laughs.