Exams have been completed, presentations have been given, final papers have been turned it, the last day of internship has been wrapped up and my final hours log has been signed. I’m done. I am officially done with my semester abroad and will be heading home in less than two days. It feels surreal to type that, never mind saying it out loud.
It feels like just yesterday I was a senior in high school looking at Rollins’ study abroad programs in London. It feels like just yesterday I was a college freshman, attending study abroad fair collecting CAPA pamphlets and talking to former CAPA students.
There was never a debate as to where I was going abroad, London has always been it. I’ve always been certain that it is the city where I wanted to spend the fall semester of my junior year and as it comes to a close I’m happy to say I was right. I made the best decision in choosing London and will advocate for this city to whoever asks me.
In London you can literally find and do anything you want. There is never a dull moment. After 3.5 months here I can honestly say I didn’t get to do and see half the things I wanted to. I guess I have no other choice but to come back ☺
Readapting to life at Rollins after spending such a busy and exciting here will no doubt be challenging. However, I am happy to get back into my routine and see all my friends and the campus I’ve missed so much.
The sadness of leaving hasn’t quite sunken in yet, because I’m still here. Also, the excitement to go home and see my loved ones blurs the melancholy of leaving. I’m certain that once I’ve settled in home I’ll be overcome by London-sickness and daydream of my days here, but I’m trying not to think of that. I’ve decided to take each day as it comes, and live in the present.