Well, I figure it’s about time I start this blog since I’m leaving for Rome on the 21st and that’s tomorrow. Yay! My first post! Sorry, no pictures…not much is really happening. I’m getting pretty nervous mainly because I’ve procrastinated on getting my packing done and my Italian is less than adequate. But I’m sure I’ll figure something out (I’m going to remain positive). I don’t travel much and I’ve never been outside the U.S. and, I’ll admit it, planes terrify me. I just don’t like them. Despite all this I am more than excited about studying abroad! Italy has always been a place I want to experience for myself and now I’ve been given the opportunity. I’m the only one from Rollins going to Trinity College so that’s a little nerve wracking (I’m naturally a shy person) but I’m eager to meet many new faces and make new friends.
My major is Art History so Italy is like heaven for me. The majority of my classes are art-based save for one class on Italian (there’s still hope for me). I’m probably the most excited about my class on Bernini who was a genius sculptor but, let’s face it, he was a pretty terrible human being. Hopefully my work load won’t be too bad because I really want to explore the places Italy has to offer. Of course there is the art and architecture and also the amazing food!
Time went by so fast and I can’t believe it is already time for me to leave home. Saying goodbye to my family tomorrow is going to be hard. I’ll be studying abroad for the whole semester and won’t see them again until May. But during that time I will be experiencing so many different things and have plenty of stories to share when I return. I’m so grateful for this opportunity and can’t wait to share my adventures!