Initially, I strongly believe that this study abroad program and Oviedo, as a ciudad(city), in general are completely underrated. In this picture, you have a snapshot of the beauty of Oviedo, and Spain’s architecture.(On a side note I highly recommend taking Arte Historia in Casa Las Lenguas – also counts as an A general education requirement) . I fell in love with the people and Oviedo within the first few weeks. The signature drink is Cidra, a more bitter cider than you are probably used to. The way you are served Cidra is an entertainment in its own.
I can’t put down in words how awesome it is to learn another language and be a part of the Spanish culture. If you are like me, you may find yourself trying to apply for citizenship. The lifestyle is truly a social one, revolving around your interactions with others. The patience people have is awesome as well. Pedestrians actually do have the right of way. Needless to say, the food is nothing short of amazing as well. My madre (mother), Isabel, cooks delicious food everyday, already giving me flashbacks of the freshman 15. I will have to have another post just about Isabel. In conclusion, Spain is great. Oviedo has my heart(Fair warning, it is a very rainy city).