My trip to Candelario was nothing short of unforgettable. It was as if we had the entire town to ourselves, and the handful of locals who we did encounter were incredibly nice and seemed genuinely happy to have us in their town. It was definitely a great bonding experience between myself and others in the group as well as the perfect getaway from Madrid city life. The picture attached was taken on the way back from a hike to the river on the last day in Candelario. As me and a few others were walking along the road, we heard a loud noise. This turned out to be a bell wrapped around the cow’s neck that was making noise as he walked closer and closer to the gate. Once he got to that spot in the photo, he stayed there and stared at us. Picture Perfect.
While Candelario was amazing, most of my time was spent in Madrid with a few other traveling weekends. I am forever grateful for such an amazing experience and time in Spain. No vamos pronto España!