There are so many memories that I have gain while being in Münster this summer. From meeting new people from around the world, traveling around Europe and improving my German.
However the one memory that I think I will forever remember will be on my last day I finally was able to have an entire conversation with my two host brothers that are 7 & 9.
When I first arrived in Münster, I wasn’t really able to talked and communicate with them, only simple sayings like “Guten Morgen und Tchüss”. But on the last day, I was able to ask them questions about the games they were playing, when they bought the games and also about when their birthdays were. This is something simple but it’s something I will remember because they couldn’t stop smiling that we could finally talk to each other after four long weeks of only smiling and simple hellos.
I truly hope that they will remember this simple encounter, but they probably won’t but for me I will always remember; not just that moment but my time in Europe, it was truly special and I will never forget it.