I needed a vacation from my vacation during Fall break. Tuesday morning we left for Cinque Terre at 6 am and arrived at 10. We spent the day there hiking and enjoying the view and eating lots of food. We bought a hostel only to sleep for 5 hours and then leave and 4 am. We took the train back to Rome and went straight to the Airport to catch our flight to Prague. Prague was absolutely beautiful! We took a tour and saw the major sites, there are so many different types of architecture there. Friday afternoon we left for Amsterdam. I definitely loved all the different food there that isn’t in Rome, especially the waffles. It was also great that we had two people who knew the city and were able to show us around! I flew back to Rome late Sunday night for classes Monday morning.
Coming back to Rome was strange, it doesn’t feel like home but it does feel familiar. Getting back to school though was rough, almost all classes have papers due before the final exams. Strange how fast its going by, I only have about a month left! The next three weeks I have plans to travel which I am very excited for. So next up is Copenhagen!