Over the study break I had the opportunity to visit Edinburgh. I travelled by myself and felt quite lonely. It was exciting to have such a wonderful adventure but I was sad that I had no one to share the experience with. I stayed with a Polish couple I found on AirBnB. They were wonderful and very hospitable. I ventured around Edinburgh most of my stay. On the first day I wandered to the Edinburgh castle, however I did not go in. Then I found a tartan weaving factory which allowed you to see how the tartans are made. I walked the length of the Royal Mile, then called it a day. The next day I walked to the Holyrood Palace and walked all the way up to Arthur’s seat. The view of the city from the top was pretty spectacular. Afterwards I went to the National Museum of Scotland. This museum was the most amazing museum I had ever been to and it was free. I would go back to the museum on every trip to Scotland. Finally, I went to the Scottish Whiskey Experience and I must say, I enjoy Irish Whiskey a lot more. On my third day I walked to Portobello Beach which was about a 2.5 mile walk. The day was nice and the walk was quiet. When I got to the beach, I found the promenade which was crowded with people, children and dogs. I would have expected more commercial activity but there was only a solitary cafĂ© along the mile stretch. Seeing the ocean made me even more homesick than I already was. I then took a bus to the Royal Brittania which was interesting but I probably would not suggest it for others.
On the fourth day, I went on a day tour to the Highlands. First we visited the Kelpies which are the infamous horse statues outside Edinburgh. The we went to Loch Lomond. The lake was very large and it was so peaceful. I would love to live in a secluded house on one of the many islands. Afterwards we had lunch in Aberfoyle. I had the worst fish and chips I had ever eaten but the town was quaint and serene. Besides the view of the mountains was worth any bad meal. Finally we stopped in Sterling. I opted to wander through the castle. It was spectacular inside and out. The sky was also rather blue. I must say that I have been pretty fortunate to have decent weather this entire trip. From the castle I could see the William Wallace monument.
The fifth and sixth day were largely dedicated to walking about Edinburgh, shopping for gifts and enjoying the atmosphere. On Halloween I decided to stay on the Royal Mile for the fire festival. I waited for three hours sitting on the steps of a church while they set up the stage. However, it began to sprinkle and the rain wouldn’t let up the rest of the night. So by 30 minutes into the festival I was drenched, shivering and worried that my gifts were getting wet. There were so many people there. However, I did not think the festival was worth another hour in the rain so I left. I honestly was worried that I wouldn’t make it back to the apartment which was a 35 minute walk away and my feet were basically numb. So I bought some hot chocolate, warmed up then booked it to the bus. I had never been so happy to get to a bed.
The last day I packed then walked down the Royal Mile making sure I saw everything I intended. I was pretty pleased with my trip and I can’t wait to go back to Scotland with loved ones.