Ciao, it is mid-november, freezing cold, no heating, peacoats and sweaters are out, and I am still thoroughly enjoying Rome. Last two weekends I stayed in Rome after a fun filled weekend in Florence with our ISA program. I explored more of Rome I have yet to see.
Tomorrow I leave for Munich and Austria where I will be spending a week sight seeking, tasting Bavarian beer, and snowboarding in the Austrian Alps. I am getting excited I can finally snowboard again, and it has always been a dream of mine to snowboard in the Alps. I’m taking the entire week off because I utilized the 3 absences and I am taking them all this week. So fall break round 2 is about to go down. Even though I am alone, it’s going to be rad.
Singing up for classes was a struggle, need to make up a neighborhood course.. and they are all full.. fantastic.
Patrick Rhinehart