I have been home for a few days now and the feeling has truly not set in. I feel like I am just on another weekend trip and that I will be returning to Mile End shortly. Although this may be the case, I am thankful that I have made it home safely and for the time I had in London. I am not quite “reverse culture shocked” as I had imagined–despite the fact that London is very similar to U.S city culture–rather, I am enjoying returning to distant normalities; I love having large portion sizes again, hearing American accents, driving in cars, and being able to say I am “home” again.
I would highly recommend anyone to study abroad. For me, it was a life changing experience. I met great new friends, made extraordinary memories, learned a lot, saw cities I have dreamed of visiting since I was a kid, developed a lot of confidence in myself, and shaped a stronger global perspective. In reality, I see no reason to not study abroad, unless FOMO would stop someone entirely from having a good time. Students at Rollins should take the opportunity to study abroad: whether its for a semester, a summer, or even a field study (but only in last case-scenario). It is a humbling experience and helps us fulfill our college’s mission of promoting global citizenship.