After 107 in Europe, you don’t realize how much you have learned till you get home. After sharing stories with friends and family, you realize you experienced once in a life time memories with certain people. Before this semester, I have only been out of the country for cruises. Now I know how much there is to see and how easy is it to do it. After traveling to 9 different cities, I still have 10 more I’m dying to see.
One thing I learned is that I picked the right major. International business will help me have the chance to live in Europe in my lifetime, so even having that option is such a great feeling. I had a conversation with people from England, and we discussed how people consider Europe to be dangerous. But when you are there, you don’t have the sense of danger around you. With the news, it makes cities like Brussels seem unsafe, but when you are there, it is like any other city. You can learn a lot about culture and lifestyle taking a step into different cities and realize this is doable, safe, and something everyone should do. I was very nervous about traveling around Europe with just my sister, but the smaller the group, the more memories you can make! I am very blessed that I had his opportunity.