It’s crazy to think I’ve already been in this incredible country for just about a month, it’s stunning! Besides feeling like I’m living in google images, one of the best parts so far has been meeting a ton of new people and friends. Being able to wake up each day and think “where will today take me” has been an awesome feeling. Exploring is non-stop- just what I had hoped! Beaches, Queenstown Hill, Milford Sound, the Otago Peninsula, and it’s really just the beginning. Immersing into this new culture has been pretty cool so far, the differences in food, people, entertainment, indigenous life, and of course lingo has been super fun and exciting. What’s really setting in is how this entire experience is part of this amazing life journey, and an enormous opportunity to grow. I really can’t wait to see where even the next couple weeks take me, more adventures are definitely around the corner!