It’s May yet somehow I loved the fact this whole month was Autumn?! Why not. My first few months here were full of travel, May was my month to take a brief pause, to reflect on all the adventures I’ve had so far, and I got to explore my city just a bit more. Dunedin is full of tucked away, beautiful spots as well as some amazing mountains with views from a picture book. It’s safe to say 5 months in this country will never be enough, there is always another place to explore. The more adventures I go on here are without a doubt sparking travel fever. As this was my first major trip to another country, I can’t imagine coming back home and just staying in one place. I came to New Zealand knowing this would be the start of wanting to travel more around the world, the more people I meet and the countries they come from make me so excited for the future, and working towards accomplishing one day going to those countries!