One month left and I find myself checking into a hostel in Auckland, turning around, and seeing my sister and 3 best friends running towards me. Does it get any better at this point? I was so lucky to spend two weeks traveling around New Zealand with friends from home. Seeing their reactions to new lingo and their slight confusion on “why is everyone SO nice here???” definitely takes me right back to my first weeks here. Four months later, and as all these things have become normal, it’s just about time to head home! One thing my last month abroad taught me is to never stop exploring. Auckland held just as many adventures as other cities have in NZ. Of course, I couldn’t leave New Zealand without going to one classic place..LOTR anyone?! The Hobbiton Movie Set for sure brought out the nerd in all of us. When you’re just as excited as the 7 year olds, well, at least you know the kid in you is still alive! Everything from that day, to wandering new city streets, to exploring beaches, to seeing thousands of glowworms in caves, it was truly special to share these once in a lifetime moments with best friends.