After being back in the United States I am ready for another adventure and another opportunity to study abroad. This trip has been one of the best experiences of my life and I look forward to encouraging others to participate in this program and tell them all about my trip. One of my favorite things we did while in Spain was a visit to a small town of 900 people by the name of Candelario. Candelario is a small town located in the mountains on the west side of Spain. This trip was infused with rich history and great memories. We were able to visit the chorizo museum as it is one of the reasons this town was so cool. looking back at it now I realize how different it is to live there and to live in Orlando. Another cool thing was how secluded it was and how all the residents practically knew everyone that lived there. We were able to make friends and talk with the locals to learn a little about there life and it truly was an incredible experience. I don’t think I will ever go back however, I will cherish the memories I had there and the friends I met.