WOW! This week was full of adventure and excitement!
The first day we got to Queenstown after around 36 hours of traveling we finally made it to our Hostel. The travel time was supposed to be only 30 Hours but unfortunately our LAX flight got delayed and we ended up missing our flight to Queenstown! It all ended up working out though. We managed to get some seats on the next flight and we just waited in the Auckland Airport for a couple hours and then we made our way to Queenstown.
When we got to the Hostle (X base) we got settled into our rooms and then headed out to check out Queenstown and get some lunch. We found this little whole in the wall Mexican restaurant that was way too overpriced. All of the people that I went with got only one tiny taco each for 7 Dollars per taco! The tacos were pretty good but I suddenly started to feel an itch in my throat. I automatically realized that there could have been nuts in something that I just ate. So I ran to the kitchen and asked the chef what was in my taco and sure enough they put cashews in the sauce. I then had to run back to the hostel grab my epipen and find the nearest hospital. I managed to make it to the hospital in time and all was well. I had to stay in that emergency clinic for several hours but when I got release I got out just in time to meet the rest of my program for dinner!
The next days were full of excitement! We went to the milford sound which was one of the most beautiful places! We almost got to take an airplane ride back to Queenstown but there were too many clouds and we couldn’t do it 🙁 The next days we went luging down a mountain in Queenstown and the views from up there were absolutely breath taking! (See pictures) We then had a free day to do what whatever we wanted and so me and 4 other friends decided to go bungee jumping! We went on the tallest jump which was a total of 440feet and had a 9 second freefall! It was absolutely terrifying but it was also an amazing feeling. I had so much adrenaline going through my body that I was literally shaking.
Once our Queenstown orientation week had ended we got on a bus to head to Dunedin! When we got here I got to see an old friend for Rollins, Sam. He just graduated and decided to spend his after grad back in NZ where he had studied abroad when he was in undergrad.
I love the house that I am staying in and my room is so spacious! I do have to go buy a few things to make this place a bit more homy but I am excited for this journey at the University of Otago to begin!!
Bungee Jumping Crew