I have always been a person who looks to push my boundaries and to broaden my world, Rollins has been influential in my ability to do so. I am an upcoming third year student who is graduating in May. Through Rollins I was able to gain my 1st Chapter in my international journey by participating in an Alternative Spring Break trip to Abaco in the Bahamas, which was my first trip out of the country. Before coming to Rollins I had the goal of traveling to at least three countries other than the United States of America. This dream was just that, a dream as dreams in my small rural hometown are not always possible, especially big dreams such as mine. However, Rollins made my dreams a possibility. Next week I fly to Dublin, Ireland for a semester of growth, knowledge and adventure in a new environment.
I have been anticipating this coming week for months, and as it nears I am starting to get nervous. However, the nerves are nothing compared to the excitement of being in a new place. This trip is a huge leap for me as I do not have a lot of experience with international travel but I know that I will learn so much about myself and others. Travel has always been a hope for me, being a Sociology major, I have an interest in how people interact with their environments and how cultural norms truly do control how we see the world and other people in it. Over my time at Rollins through my Bahamas experience as well as other experiences, I have gained new perspectives of life and hope can not wait to see what newly acquired levels of thought I come back to the states with. I have been researching Ireland and it’s people, I have spoken with many travelers who have had amazing experiences and stories from their trips to Ireland. I look forward to being a source of knowledge, stories and love for Ireland for those looking for information on Ireland when I return. Ireland awaits, and I am ready to embrace my new temporary home with an open heart and an open mind.