I’ve been vegan for two months now, but the reason it hasn’t come up yet is because a) I’m sick of the stereotype that vegans can’t shut up about being vegans, and b) I finally feel comfortable with being vegan. For the longest time, I thought about quitting because my energy levels would take a serious hit late in the day. I refer specifically to the two times I fell asleep on the train and missed the stop for AU. Luckily, I have unlimited Metro passes through the school, so I could sleep till the end of the line if I wanted to. It’s just that I don’t want to. I’d rather be woke (literally), so after my second time falling asleep, I ponied up and bought some hemp protein powder with added iron—and after the first scoop of (terrible tasting) powder, I could actually function. Once again, this episode only serves to highlight why veganism is far from the perfect diet and why I am a fool for doing it in the first place. But I’m also very stubborn, so pass me the hemp powder.