Cheers to new sights, new heights, and wonderful company!
I can’t believe it is already time to say goodbye…so I’m not going to. I’ll be back one day to the place I’ve been privileged to call my home for 3 months. There’s something to be said for the experiences in which you become enriched with culture and understanding. Things like that will stick with you for a lifetime
Studying abroad at this age has been more than a dream come true. Obviously, seeing the sights I have gotten to see has been incredible. But, more than anything, when you strip your life of the things you are so accustomed to, life has a funny way of teaching you more about yourself.
How is it that thousands of miles away from home, I feel I know myself more than I ever have? The kid is growing up.
Don’t be afraid of it though. I have found much to laugh about and a really positive light about myself that can be easily overlooked when caught up in the ins and outs of everyday life. For this especially, I am eternally grateful for this experience.
But, what would it have been without those who accompanied me along the way? Thank you to my new besties Mary and Shannon. You girls keep me young. LOL. No, but seriously. It has been so fun laughing and most literally running all over Europe with you two. (PS thanks for not being utterly ashamed to travel Italy with me even when I was wearing fake Uggs haha). These are the memories we will have to hold on to when we are too old to do much of anything. I am very happy to think I can share these stories with those I love and care about knowing you two are in them! -P.S. We can at least count on more adventures in Florence because we all rubbed the lucky boar.
I wish my host mom could read this one- Isabel. My mom away from home. You call me hija (daughter) and I describe you as my mamá española. I will always cherish our long dinner discussions about the world. Without you cheerfully accepting me into your home and allowing me to babble my baby Spanish, I would have never been able to reach the level of Spanish that I have. I owe that to you whole heartedly. You will never understand how much this means to me. I have always dreamed of speaking Spanish because it is a part of my family history that I don’t have access to anymore, and thanks to you, I have been able to reconnect to this part of me.
To Spain….
You are beautiful and wonderful and vast. I wish you the best of luck with your political issues and hope for the best outcome possible. I thank you immensely for teaching me about life, culture, giving me the opportunity to travel Europe, the chance to finally learn Spanish, and the time to learn about myself.
I will never forget those that I have mentioned (because I have way too many photos…)!