13 November 2019

As the term is coming to an end, I am surprisingly not stressed at all. This term has been incredibly interesting, yet very chill. I am only taking three courses, so I only have one class a day. I find myself staying up till three or four in the morning watching Tik Toks, going to my noon class, then coming home and sleeping. It certainly saves a lot of money when you only eat one meal a day! My classes themselves are all religion-based. One in particular class I really enjoy is Christian Ethics. I’m not religious myself but the class is full of both historical and modern issues Christians face and the philosophy behind their decisions. My favorite thing about being a religion major is raiding the library for books on Satanism, Scientology, and Christian views on Homosexuality. It certainly makes the librarian question me.
For Halloween, the majority of Brits don’t go out. It’s more of a child’s holiday. I decided to force my flat to carve pumpkins (then smash them in the woods when they grew mold), make pumpkin cookies, and watch Rocky Horror Picture Show. I keep forgetting my entire flat is freshman and only 18. They had never seen the movie and were completely mind blown. This weekend we decided to plan a trip to Edinburgh, Scotland. We are planning to hit all the Christmas markets and see a variety of museums. In a fortnight we also plan on heading down to Manchester to see more Christmas Markets.
Thanksgiving is also a tradition the British don’t celebrate that I’m forcing on my flat. We decided to make it very casual. I’ve told everyone to prepare a dish of their choice, then I’ve taken on the task of preparing the Turkey as well as a Tofurky (tofu turkey). Lastly, for Christmas, we’re going to have a small party before the term ends.

I still can’t believe I only have four weeks left in England. My flatmates and I have become so close. They said it is going to be incredibly sad when they come back for the next term and my room is empty. If I do decide to do my graduate school in the UK, I promised them I’d come to their graduation. I will say I am ready to come back. Being in a foreign country with no incoming money is incredibly hard. I also miss being busy. I’ve had to watch my friends at home have an amazing semester over snapchat and hear my sorority talk about the new girls we have that I have never met. I will say the best part about Spring term is recruitment and bonding with my sisters during it. I am super excited to see my sisters in just two more months.