This is my last week in España and in Europe. It’s crazy to think that I’ve been here for nearly four months. Around mid November I spent about a week feeling homesick, and I kept telling myself that I was more than ready to return home. However, that feeling quickly faded and now I get upset knowing the semester is coming to an end.
I think what really changed my perspective was making friends in Oviedo. For weeks, it was mostly Jade, Alex, and I, spending time together because it was difficult to meet new people due to the small size of the campus. Thankfully, last weekend, we met some students from other European countries who are part of the ERASMUS program. They host events that we’ve been attending, and it’s been a ton of fun. Being able to make connections with people from diverse backgrounds is an opportunity that I’m super grateful for.
Besides finally having friends, traveling is an experience I’ll miss a lot. Within Spain, I visited Tenerife, Sevilla, Madrid twice, and multiple cities near Oviedo. In November I took a trip to Rome, and I’m currently in London for the weekend. Growing up, I remember watching movies and reading books about places in this continent, but seeing them in person is surreal.
I didn’t realize that as soon as I became 100% comfortable with living in Oviedo, I would have to leave. I’ve been emotional lately because I can’t stop thinking about it, but I’m reminding myself that it’s all part of the study abroad experience. This last week will consist of packing my maletas to go back to Orlando, taking my finals, and going out as much as I can. I want to enjoy the rest of my time to the fullest, so that I don’t have any regrets once I’m gone.