Wow. A lot has changed since my last blog post.
The 12-week fall semester at Queen Mary goes by fast. For the first two weeks, I only had one friend whom I met in math class, and I enjoyed wandering around Mile End by myself. Emma was a study abroad student from California and remained a good friend of mine throughout the term. I made more great friends my third week of school by going to meet and greets for clubs (or societys in the UK) I was interested in. I’m so lucky to have met Harvey, Maisy, Amanda, Ripley, Bet, and Sasha. A few of us went to a Halloween party together, where we grew closer. Soon after, I went to Bristol to see Rex Orange County. I stayed the weekend at Harvey’s home nearby Bath. Harvey was going to be home for reading week. As a maths/computer science student, I don’t have reading week, so I had to go back to London. I enjoyed Harvey’s hometown so much, and didn’t think I’d have a chance to go back to their village, so I went back the following weekend.
I used to visit Tennessee or North Carolina for winter break to enjoy a week of snow with my family. Harvey’s hometown reminded me of those family vacations: wooden bungalows, the smoky smell from fireplaces, hills that look like mountains, and a coolness that is refreshing. London’s weather is much harsher because the tall buildings create wind tunnels. Upon arriving back to London, Harvey and I went to a Rex Orange County concert we coincidentally had tickets for the same night. After taking my midterms and my GRE, Harvey and I went to Paris. Harvey loves Paris and spent 6 years learning French in school. We spent 6 days and 5 nights in Paris having a relaxing vacation where we woke up without an alarm or itinerary and didn’t have to think about school at all. We walked streets amongst locals, ate at the best vegan restaurants and pastry shops Paris has, sat in parks, visited second-hand bookstores, and saw art at Musée d’Orsay. A highlight of the trip was seeing the sunrise at the Sacré-Cœur.
Fellow Rollins students studying abroad and friends of mine Jade and Gaby visited me in London. We went to Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park and I showed them the famous Brick Lane. Winter Wonderland had many fun rides, even for frequent Disney/Universal goers like us. I wasn’t ready to leave London after the term ended, so I extended my trip to after New Year’s. Queen Mary allows you to keep your dorm until December 31, but I stayed with Harvey in their hometown for the holiday season after classes ended. Harvey’s parents were so welcoming and made me feel part of the family.
Christmas and New Year’s were so wonderful. Harvey’s mum sewed my name onto a stocking full of presents, and even Harvey’s grandparents gave me a peacock ornament to remember their hometown by, which is known for its peacocks just like Winter Park. For New Year’s Eve, Harvey and I went to one of their friends’ place for a party. Harvey and I stayed in London my last weekend in England doing our favorite things: going to markets, eating vegan food, watching movies, and going to a museum.
I’m so thankful for my time in England, and to Harvey for allowing me to see more of England than I could have imagined. I’m leaving good friends in England and have made friends going back to their homes in the US too. The day I left Florida, I was leaving with a one-way ticket, and I told my parents I’ll be in Europe for New Year’s—whether it be London, Paris, or elsewhere. I was just saying out loud my wildest dreams, and then Harvey made it into a reality.
Part of my heart stays in London, but I’m looking forward to the next adventure. Life is long, and you never know what’s around the corner for you.
Carla Daza ‘20
Musée du Louvre at night Sunrise at Sacrée-Cœur Stage at Rex Orange County concert in Bristol before he performs