I can not help to feel frustrated with the crisis the world is facing right now. My semester was cut too short and we are all close to helpless in trying to rectify the situation. In my first post, I wrote about how I found that I did not have enough time to say goodbye to my loved ones in Florida. While leaving Newcastle, I found myself in that same predicament. Only this time it was rushed and stressful. It was difficult because it was so sudden and in those final moments I truly took in the beauty of where I lived for the past month, making it that much harder to leave.

I wrote about the stereotypes I heard before coming to Australia, the people, the dangerous animals, and the harmful sun. I am coming back with great news, I was only right on one of those ideas; the people. The energy and ultimate vibe in Australia makes the social standard to be so genuine and caring. I believe because of Australia’s history and traumas from colonization, the society has made it a norm to be accepting of everyone and to feel and show happiness towards everyone. The part about dangerous animals was partially true. Yes, there are many dangerous creatures but the Aussie’s are so in tune with the land that big cities and areas where people gather are rarely located in a place where you disturb these creatures and vice versa. Just like being in tune with the land, Australian’s have also got a healthy lifestyle on lockdown. Alongside fresh meals and constantly being active, Aussies are very aware and cautious with the harmful rays of the sun. The only thing that could be seen as bad and good of Australia is the fact that they are really tucked away and separated from the rest of the world. I learned that many things that were common with cultures on our side of the world were not really known in Australia.

I learned many things about Australia and the amazing people that inhabit the beautiful country. Walking through the airport left me with a sick feeling because I could not shake the feeling that I was in the place where I was meant to be and leaving was incredibly heartbreaking. I surprised myself in so many ways while being abroad especially in the manner of strength and bravery. I can see myself pursuing a life in Australia, I never have felt so happy somewhere as I did in Newcastle.
Here’s a link to a short video I made about my first month in Australia.