Over the course of my abroad experience, I was faced with many different cultural challenges that allowed myself to grow in a new way. When embracing any culture that is not your own there will always be different values, behaviors, and attitudes that one may need to adjust to because they are different from your own. This is one thing that I have had to adjust to throughout my time in London. I think it is first and foremost important to recognize that being in London is an international city that leaves room for many different cultures rather than just English/British culture. One experience that I found important to my learning is an experience involving work culture. As a student with an internship in London, I was nervous to understand and adjust to the work culture in London. Going into my internship, I was ready to work very hard and do everything that I was told to do. Something I soon found was that the language and behavior in the work culture is much more relaxed than in the States. When I was told to do something it was often said like “Would you have time to….” rather than “Please do….”. This was something that I was warned about when bosses are asking you to do things, they phrase it in a much more relaxed way, even though they need you to do something. This was something that made me nervous and took a while to catch onto but overall I realized it was just something that I had to adjust to due to the difference in culture. It was hard at first but I quickly got into the rhythm of working in London and what it entails. Going to the pub with your coworkers or supervisors is very normal and a part of the work day for most, which is very different compared to the states. This would be so very normal for someone that is of British culture. They probably would not even take a second thought to how their boss asked them to do something or when they went to the pub after work, simply because that is what everyone does. It is part of networking and making positive connections in the workplace which is really important. We do it all the time in the states but just in different ways. British people may find it weird to be less friendly with your coworkers and bosses like we are in the States but again adjusting to a new culture that is not your own may always feel strange or different. It is important to understand that adjusting is needed and that you will get used to it over time. It is important to understand all of these things because in the future, as we live in such a global world, we will all need to work with people from other cultures. That could be from a different state or from across the world. It is important to understand and be patient with yourself and others in order to have positive intercultural communication and experiences throughout your whole life.