This past fall I was able to study abroad in Amsterdam in a program through SIT called “International Perspectives on Sexuality and Gender.” My program was based in The Netherlands but we also spent a few weeks traveling throughout Morocco. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience in both countries and learned to think about gender studies through a new lens. I was able to create a thesis and research throughout the semester on a topic I was passionate about. At first, I planned on taking an internship, but soon after arriving I recognized I could do something different. Trying something I was not comfortable nor confident in brought me to the realization that my effort can get me where I want to be. I am grateful that my advisor stood by me while attempting to do something radically different for me and I believe my success brought me a new found perception on my academic career. I have often limited myself to believe there is one path for my growth, and I was able to learn that it may look vastly different but still be just as impactful.
Upon arriving to Amsterdam, I was unaware of my housing arrangements and was only informed that it would be within 45 minutes of the city. This posed as a challenge for me because I was unable to prepare for my exact living arrangement. However, after having a successful semester with my host family, I taught myself that I can thrive despite certain previous information. I now am able to travel with less fear and I know whatever is thrown at me, I can figure out how to solve the problem. I thought that I could only thrive if I had emotionally prepared, which turned out to not be the case. I learned that the ability to succeed had little to do with my preparation but rather the ability to transition from hardships and difficulties on site.
My host family initially saw my study abroad experience as an escape from America, rather than viewing it as a new experience. I think the outlook was that they assumed I disliked my home country, and through our growing relationship they were able to see that my purpose was not to escape but rather to explore new cultures. This prepared me to become a role model while I travel and I now strive to bring a better outlook of the United States to the countries I travel to. While still being critically of my home country, I believe it is a privilege to live where I do and my host family recognized that early on. Their perspective transitioned and I helped them understand my own thoughts. Overall, I had an incredible experience and all the challenges I faced assisted my personal growth. I would highly recommend students studying abroad as it teaches you lessons about yourself that you weren’t even aware of.