Life in Hong Kong taught me how to quickly adjust. In Hong Kong life is very fast-paced. The people of Hong Kong always have somewhere to be. When sitting in class one day, my professor mentioned the fact that Hong Kongers are always on the move to the point where they walk up the escalators. After he had mentioned it, I began to notice just how fast-paced life was. Slowly, I began to see myself falling into the same habits. Growing up in the South this fast-paced life is very different for me. In the South, people take their time and talk to you about their lives. However, in Hong Kong, there is no time for this.
In my first couple of weeks, I felt that the people of Hong Kong were not as welcoming as people at home. As time went on, I began to realize that they were not rude. They had a different culture. I learned how to quickly embrace and appreciate this different culture. Soon this fast-paced life filled me with energy and pushed me to achieve more. I suddenly began to feel the need to always be doing something. This really helped me fully explore Hong Kong as I was always on the move. This fast-paced life gave me the energy to get things done as well as forcing me to get out of my room more. I became much more confident and independent during my time in Hong Kong. Before living in Hong Kong, going out to eat alone caused me a lot of anxiety. Back at home, I would spend hours waiting for someone to have the time to go out with me instead of just going out alone. Hong Kong taught me how to truly enjoy my own company. I was finally able to be comfortable with just myself.