There is a lot I wanna talk about with my Taiwan trip and my field study but I hope I am able to capture the fun I had by coming back to home while also experiencing things academically for the field study through my writing/blog.
I feel like the first day of the field study was pretty fun like being able to see people navigate through the MRT/metro of Taipei for going to locations like Minquan W. Road, Chiang Kai-Shek’s Memorial Hall, and Taipei 101. Luckily going to these places in the morning and early afternoon to avoid rush hour.

There were other places too like the Four Four Seasons Village near Taipei 101 and the Presidential Office Building where our guide talked about some history regarding the architecture and the “White Terror” which I remembered my mother telling me that the architecture was due to the Japanese wanting to replicate European style. Speaking of European, I also already had the knowledge that the Dutch ruled the south part of Taiwan while the Spanish had the north side of the country which they also contributed to the European like architecture buildings. I was surprised that when we went to make our pineapple cake, it was on the same street near my home pretty much or like along the way back there. As a first time to make my pineapple cake, I would say it was good both the process and the taste of it.