Hello All!
Currently sitting in my bedroom, where I first wrote my pre-departure blog. I remember writing in August; I was so nervous about what I was going to write, and how it would sound to everyone on this blog. Having done this four other times, I just let my hands express everything I want, and don’t bother with how it can sound to others. I’ve been back home for almost 3 weeks, and leave in about 10 days to the US (which is another experience all together). I left Athens with less than 10 days till Christmas, so once I landed all that consumed my thoughts was the holiday’s and family. I was excited to start all the traditions of the season and eat the food my mom has been talking about for the past four months. All the commotion and emotion didn’t give me much time to think about Athens and what I’d left behind.
The moments when I would seriously reflect would be when I was wrapping everyone’s present (all the gifts I got were from Greece) or when family members would ask me about my experience. It was wonderful sharing this with them, and speaking words that I hadn’t since I’d been back. They would ask questions like “How do you say bathroom in Greek” and I realized I didn’t know, but could ask someone how they were doing-which is more important really? Just being able to talk about Athens makes me feel great. Soon I’ll be back in the US again, and be around my regular friends, but also with those who also went to Greece. The Tars in Athens were the ones whom I formed friendships with, so It’ll be amazing being back with the people I was there, at Rollins.
As we were leaving Athens, all the American spoke to me about being back to eating at American restaurants, or shopping at malls, and it made me realize that it’d been 8 months since I left the country. 8 months since I’d been at Rollins (my home away from home) and been in Winter Park, going to Brier Patch at 8am to avoid the long line at 11am. While in Athens, I never felt like I had to worry about Rollins, and if things would feel very different when I was back. With 10 days to go, I still feel that but am more excited. Now when I talk with my friends, we can made actual plans of going somewhere or eating at our favorite spots. Going back has been what’s kept me from being truly sad about Athens.
It’s been fun guys!