I can’t believe in about three weeks the program will be over and I’ll be leaving London to return to Florida. It has gone by so fast. Currently I am getting ready for my trip to Dublin, Ireland next week. I am so excited. I’ve always wanted to go to Ireland. Fingers crossed that the weather will be nice and not pouring all week like it is now. At least this time my trip won’t get cancelled because of the snow. Even though Florida is ridiculously hot during the summer, I will definitely appreciate the beautiful blue and sunny sky when I return. Right now I am seriously missing the sunshine. I also really miss petting people’s dogs. I am surrounded by people walking their dogs here, but would never ever ask if I could pet a stranger’s dog here. I have gotten weird looks just for looking and smiling at a strangers dog before.
I am so glad I studied abroad even though there are a lot of things and people I miss from home. I have gotten to see a lot of interesting places likes Paris and Edinburgh as well as have the freedom to explore the city of London. However, there are certain things that I regret not fully getting out of the experience. Since I studied abroad through an American study abroad program versus an actual university, I didn’t get to meet or befriend any British people around my age. I mostly just interacted with my coworkers and the CAPA staff. There is also so many different places I would love to see in Europe that I didn’t get the chance to, like Spain and Greece. My internship also was not everything I thought it would be, but I am still grateful to have the opportunity to work for a fashion company/within a showroom.
I am currently trying to tick off everything I want to do in London before I leave. Easter I am going to see Tower of London and hopefully the weather will clear up within the next two weeks so that I can check out the Kew Gardens. Maybe I’ll also talk my roommates into going to Harrods together to split one of those huge sundaes. Overall, I think this experience has left me wanting to see more of the world.