I have finished my third week of school and have been so busy and distracted that I almost forgot to write this blog post! I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing or how but slowly I’m starting to create a routine for myself and for that I am excited. Taking four classes in German is exhausting and challenging and I hope it gets easier but in the meantime I’m trying my best to relax and take in as much as possible. I started voice lessons this week, which was nice and refreshing finally having the chance to sing again. Of course, the voice lessons are in German and I find that really interesting just because some of the vocal they use in music or referring to the voice is a bit different than what we say in English. I’m starting to get nervous and stressed about next semester back in the States just because our semester ends in July and I come back early August after traveling and then we start right back up again! It’s all going to move very fast and crazily but I am definitely trying to make the best out of my time here.
Frühlingsfest was during the past couple of weeks and is sort of like a smaller Oktoberfest. I visited a few times and was able to get some use out of my dirndl! It’s basically like a State Fair with all the carnival rides and games, except there’s liters of Munich beer and everyone is prancing around in lederhosen and dirndls 🙂 It is a great German experience!
I was pretty homesick the last couple of weeks but now school has really been picking up so I’m feeling a bit better. After a while you start to miss the little things about home that seem like nothing because we take advantage of all the everyday things we’re so used to. I’ve started to really notice how extremely different Germany is from the US that maybe weren’t so noticeable the first couple of months. It’s really interesting and definitely makes you wonder and think differently about the world. There’s nothing that makes you question life more than when you live abroad. Your whole world kind of turns u[side down because everything you learned in one place is completely different in another. It’s really amazing today how global our world is becoming considering all the many different societies with such different ideas and opinions on life and how it works. I think it’s incredible.
Anyway, that has been my thoughts from the last few weeks. Everything is bound to change in another few weeks because that’s exactly how living abroad works. You never know what to expect. You just have to simply go with the flow.