For my first couple of days in London it was more so hectic. I always thought that living so close to Orlando I had finally mastered living in the city. Well I was completely wrong. Orlando seems like a fraction of the size compared to London. I say this because I am used to being able to drive around and going quickly from place to place. Living in London my main form of transportation is taking the tube, London’s subway system, or walking around. My typical day is usually a combination of both. Taking the tube is definitely an experience. From fighting the early morning rush hour to the every so more crowded trip home at 5pm I’d say that even though being in those huge crowds may seem dreadful, it is a part of the experience. It’s a part of living in London, and even though I’m not a complete expert, having the City Mapper App in my back pocket is helping me to navigate through the city like a true Londoner.
Having spent a little over three weeks here I’d say that riding the tube takes getting used to and keeping an eye out above ground as well at the heavy London traffic. In a way seeing traffic throughout the city reminds me of home because while traffic isn’t the best, it’s the small connections that I can make everyday that help me live abroad. One thing they will tell all newcomers is that in the United States if America you are used to looking left and then right when crossing the street. Well forget all of that because as many people know they drive on the opposite side of the road compared to the U.S., which means that we have to look right then left. It’s a little confusing, especially for me but most streets have little reminders to tell you were to look. I found that to be super helpful.
While there are major differences in the U.S. public transportation system there are also some similarities. I hope to continue to find them out because they will only help to make my experience here only more worthwhile because while I am here experiencing new things, I will also be reminded of home.