While in Rome, I learned so many new things about who I am, and how my identity affects the way I live my life. Before leaving, I was nervous about being a woman in a city, but Rome was much safer than I thought it would be. I was never alone, and the locals were very kind and welcoming. One thing I struggled with was the time. Italians are very slow-paced, while I am a very fast-paced person. This became difficult especially at meals, as I would always become antsy at the end of a two-hour meal when I just wanted to go to bed. However, I learned to accept these things, and accept the Italian lifestyle as much as I could. Italians experience the world in such a beautiful way- they are always eating, drinking, and enjoying each other’s company. In America, I feel like everyone is always so busy and stressed that we forget to enjoy the little things. In Italy, I felt like everyone was really soaking in all they could. This is definitely a value I hope to retain back in America.