Adam Quinto
I have just returned back to the United States after my semester in Australia, and already dearly miss it. The biggest cultural issue I had to face were different then I though they would be. Australia is an English speaking country so that made it a lot easier, but its the demeanor of people that was different. In America everything feels like a race, and people are just trying to beat out each other. In Australia it did not feel that way. Everyone is more out to higher their quality of life, while not impacting others. There is more emphasis on putting your interest in life first over work, and school so that when you go back to those things you will be refreshed and not burnt out. I think this was a great cultural difference to pick up, and am so glad I can take this skill with me throughout my life. I apprectaited the slower pace of life depsite being in a big city, as everyhting there just works. I think a local would describe my expeince as a authentic aussie one. I got to travel to pretty much all of the big cicites in Australia such as Brisbane, Melbourne, Tasmania, Perth, The Outback, and Cairns. I really got a good feel for the country and was able to see how beautiful it was. On top of that I was able to travel to Thailand, Bali, and New Zealand, which are all very cutlrally different then America. Through those countries I was able to get a gauge for the world in ways I would have never expected. I will carry many things fron this exerpince, and hope to move back to Australia soon.