My family is originally from Mexico therefore I have visited Mexico various times. But like every country given that there are different regions, it is most likely that they will each have slight differences whether it be the food, clothing, traditions or weather. For me Oaxaca was a completely new state that I had never been to before in Mexico. So I would say that one of the things that I was very new to was some of their traditions and celebrations. One of them being the guelaguetza festival which occurs in the month of June. It basically commemorates the mutual interdependence of the people within the community.
To me these traditions were something beautiful, especially coming from a country where celebrations like these are not common and also keeping in mind that we are more individualistic whereas in Oaxaca it is a lot more community based, helping your neighbor.
From having conducted interviews with my host mom and others around they viewed this study abroad opportunity as something very nice and also something that many should do because they think that we must experience other cultures and get out of our comfort zones because it is not just our own personal cultures, beliefs and values that are in this world, others exist as well and to not expose ourselves to it, or at least try to learn outside of what we know is to be ignorant. I agree that people should step out of their comfort zones and spaces in which they live in because there is more to the world than we may think and it would be a true shame if we didn’t give ourselves the opportunity to seek new things, places and people.
I think that these reflections have prepared me mentally coming back, especially being away for such a long time in a place that is for the majority very different from that in the United States. In the time that I have been back I have already seen the shift in perspective that I didn’t realize that happened until I came back. I have had moments where my views now clash with those of my friends, as well as my family because especially living here we are given I would say a one sided perspective of Mexico for the majority, unless we go out of our way to do some research and get a more holistic perspective on it all. But all in all I am very appreciative of my time there and the many things that I learned. I have seen myself grow from my time there and nowhere and it’s something that I think has been for the better and will continue to carry those experiences with me.