And so my trip begins
So August 25st has finally come around. It is finally the day to fly to Germany. It was an extra long summer break seeing as how my fall semester would start once I arrived in Germany. The future is bleak and I don’t know what to expect, but the pressure is good for me. Looking back at my past two years at Rollins,the friends I made, the experience I gained, the perks, and the overall experience was amazing and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Today my flight leaves at 8:00 Pm in between this and now 1 hours will pass. But that’s not the full story, laughter, tears, heartfelt goodbyes between me and my friends and family will occur. All to be a small moment in what we call life.
What I’m really excited for are the stereotypes I as an American will have, until I disprove them all. Because what is life without breaking the rules. “You are American therefore you must only speak English,” no I’m here to learn some German. “You are American so you will get screwed by the locals,” no because I don’t want to hang out with the locals.
Mauricio Chaves
Word Count:204
Let us know what type of American stereotypes you are breaking!
-Becky, International Programs