Singapore at a glance is a very small country, but has over 15 million people. One thing that I found very interesting, exciting and different from the United States. In Singapore is the emphasis on education, learning and helping others within the country. I first got a glimse of this when I first entered the country and exchanged my American dollar bills for Singaporean dollars. On each note of their currency, there is a different educational, or sort of service type of theme printed. These are “education, sports, and a dollar bill dedicated to nature. Along with this subtle detail on their currency, there are much less subtle sighs and posters in all of the subway stations and busses that suggest that good deeds and selflessness are important in every day life. Signs on subways indicate that you should give up your seat for the elderly, pregnant women and women with children. Everyone also stands to one side of the escalator in case there is someone in a hurry so that they can get by much quicker. We visited an organization while in the country that’s purose was highly environment oriented in that they upcycled various items, donated many types of clothing and provided cae packages and resources to those less fortunate or in need after a natural disaster. This was also a reoccuring theme in Singapore- the environment matters. The city seemed to be around 40% greenery and 60% buildings, much different and in my opinion better than the United States.