After spending some time in Malaysia after Singapore, I noticed that these two countries are different in many different ways. Singapore is very clean, organized, and feels very safe. This is mostly due to their strict policies and enforcement of laws and regulations. I noticed that there were armed guards present in most public areas as we explored different parts of Singapore. Because of this, the city felt very safe at night to walk in. The densely populated city section of Singapore was very appealing as it seemed to be very clean and organized in most places. Because of their strict rules, I feel like there is less freedom to the people who reside there. For example, it is very expensive and difficult to afford a car and fines are put into place in order to control their citizens. There didnt seem to be much of a comparison between Singapore and Malaysia. I felt that Malaysia was much dirtier and more dangerous, but their citizens have more free will. The streets at night did not feel as secure as they did in Singapore. I ended up getting sick from eating some of the food while visiting. They have less strict law enforcement and feels less tense than Singapore.