Before this trip to Taiwan, I had only seen dance traditions from Native American tribes in the states. When visiting YuYuPas, the Tsou tribe performed their dances. What I found interesting was how similar, based my observations, that the dances were here were compared to what I have seen in the states. Additionally, the clothing we saw the dancers wear here are comparable to clothing found in the US. One similarity I found particularly interesting was the headpieces and the use of feathers. Also, bright colors seemed to be featured in this tribe, which is comparable to traditional Native clothing in the US. Ultimately, I found myself reflecting on how, despite how different dominant Taiwanese and American culture are today compared to their indigenous pasts, these striking similarities between us can still be observed in the current indigenous populations of today. I humbly reflected on how, at the end of the day, people are more similar than we are different. Even across the globe and on an island, the similarities between Taiwan’s history and America’s are illustrated through the indigenous cultures.
In summary, it was very interesting to me to glimpse into an aspect of Taiwan’s culture and history through visiting YuYuPas. I also appreciate the effort to recognize indigenous people in regards to this trip as well as their contribution to culture today.