This past weekend was the first time that I finally visited some touristy spots in London. I went and saw Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and the London Eye. It was cool to see them up close, and to take my own pictures. Westminster Abbey was really pretty, and I want to try and take a tour later on while I am here. I also went to the National History Museum, which was huge! We went and saw the exhibit “Earth’s Hidden Gems,” and it is amazing how many different stones and rocks are in the museum, and how long it would take to collect it all. After Halloween there is going to be an ice rink outside the museum, and I really want to try and go because the museum is beautiful architecturally, so it would be neat to see it lit up with Christmas lights. On Sunday, I walked through a couple of the markets. I went to Spitalfield, Brick Lane, and, the best, the Camden Flower Market. It was a couple blocks of just flower stands. It was extremely crowded and hectic, but it was neat to see all the flowers, and they were very reasonably priced.
This coming weekend I am finally starting my travels around Europe, which is really exciting. I am going to Copenhagen, Denmark. I am amazed how easy it is to travel to so many different places throughout Europe. While in Copenhagen I am staying at a hostel which I have not done before, but it should be interesting and fun.