Australia is a beautiful country full of surprises. Before I visited, people used to tell me Australia was vey similar to the U.S. and I would not be experiencing a different culture. To those people I say, ‘it is clear you have never visited the country’. Australians are the most laid back, multi cultured, open minded peopled I have ever seen. One can notice the multicultural influence in the mentality of the auzzies and the architecture of the territory. Young people from all over Europe love visiting the beautiful beaches, making Australia the perfect place for a student to live in. It is amazing to meet so many people from the eastern side of the globe in just one place.
My overall experience was amazing and now I’m happy to be back in my home country, full of awesome stories to share with my people. I can not wait to go back to Rollins and meet with everyone else who was abroad. In conclusion, I recommend anybody who has the possibility to visit the territory.