As my last week in Lancaster was approaching, I was expecting a full week of hard goodbyes and tons of end of term work. But on my last weekend, a massive storm hit the northwest coast of England leaving the town and the university without power. Despite the storm and no power, I had a wonderful week! I spent most of the time with some amazing friends from all of the United States and around the world. I never would have expected to make such great friends in the past 4 months. They were my flat mates, my traveling companions, and even my study partners. When I think back to the places I have been and the things I have done, I don’t necessarily remember all the ‘fun facts’ I have learned, but rather the things these people did that make these places memorable. I just want to thank them for making my time in Lancaster the one of the best experiences of my life.
I have now been back in the States for a couple of days, but I have not adjusted back to ‘normal’ life here. I feel like I am wasting time because I am not traveling or making travel plans. I was always on the go and now that I am not, I feel like I am missing something. It will take some time for me to slowdown again. Also, while I have read and been told that living in a different place can alter your perspective on the world, I failed to realized how much that perspective can actually change. I find it difficult to come back home because I feel I have only scratched the surface of Europe and what life truly is like over there. All I know is that I now have this need to go back to England (or really anywhere in Europe) and see the rest of what the world has to offer. I have had an unforgettable experience abroad and I can’t be more grateful to my friends and family who have helped me had such a wonderful experience.
Cheers England!
It was a good time.