Spain Blog
Miami to Madrid
Spain, best described as one of the largest traveling “leaps” I have ever made. On the plane I questioned my decision to travel to a country where the only words I knew, in the entire language, where from a free app on my phone. Upon landing in Madrid I must have received a gift from God, when I saw Jasmine and Kevanna, I was overcome with joy. This meant I wouldn’t have to figure it out alone.
My first day in Madrid was an adventure. From ordering food in Spanish to getting to know my fellow group mates, it was a once in a life time experience that anyone would have trouble forgetting. Although I had a long way to go, I seemed to learn Spanish must faster than originally anticipated.
I can now say that I have survived three doctors visits, learned basic communication in Spanish, visited some of the most Architecturally astounding works in the world and grown tremendously as both a friend and weekend travel enthusiast. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to travel to such an amazing country. I can not wait to see what these next three weeks have in store for me as both a student and world traveler.