Das Drücken: Push
I first encountered this word on a door in the hotel. It was either push and pull and knowing which one is which will save time.
Die Kirche: Church
Das Rauchen: Smoking
Der Regen: Rain
The reason I have decided to remember the word for rain is because it rains often here. So if I’m listening to the news and it says Regen I will know what to prepare for.
Die Ausfahrt: Exit
I saw this word for the first time at the airport. This is an important word to remember because going in the exit could end up really bad.
Der Baum: Tree
Der Fernseher: Television
Die Kugel: Scoop
I came across this in an Ice cream shop. The reason I want to remember this word is because it will make ordering ice cream easier and faster.
Sterben: To die
Ich sterbe
Du stirbst
Er/sie/es stirbt
Wir sterben
Ihr sterbt
Sie/sie sterben
Ich bin gestorben
Du bist gestorben
Er/sie/es ist gestorben
Wir sind gestorben
Ihr seid gestorben
Sie/sie sind gestorben
Stellen: To put
Ich stelle
Du stelltest
Er/sie/es stellt
Wir stellen
Ihr stellt
Sie/sie stellen
Ich habe gestellt
Du hast gestellt
Er/sie/es hat gestellt
Wir haben gestellt
Ihr habt gestellt
Sie/sie haben gestellt
I want to remember this word because it is a simple command. I came across this word when my host mom was telling me where to put my things upon my arrival to their house.
Ah, you mentioned icecream too. Great minds must think alike; and doors have been a tricky thing to remember. I try to remember it this way: “ziehen,” is like “anziehen,” and you “pull” your clothes on, and “drucken” is also used for printers, which “push” paper out. Sometimes it helps.