The following is a list of Deutsch words that I won’t forget. Most are included because of the commonness with which I or othersl speak them, but a few are included because of a personal fondness.
1) Das Frettchen, die Frettchen – (noun) ferret. I have included Frettchen because my boyfriend loves them. When we first started dating, he had one named Joy, whom he trained to follow the sounds of his trumpet. Whenever I see Frettchen/ferret, I think of him.
2) Also – (adverb) therefore, so. I had no idea what this word meant for the longest time, but I kept hearing it everywhere! I couldn’t look it up because it sounded like “ah-zo” instead of “all-so”. Mystery solved.
3) Wissen – (verb) to know. Present: ich weiβ, du weiβt, er/sie/es weiβ, wir wissen, ihr wisst, sie/Sie wissen. Perfect: gewusst. This word I use all the time, typically in the phrase “Ich weiβ nicht.” There are many, many things in Deutschland that I don’t know!
4) Der Liebling, die Lieblinge – (noun) favorite, darling. This is just such a sweet sounding word. I love how it is tacked on to the front of nouns as “lieblings” to denote a favorite something.
5) Gern – (adverb) gladly. This word is really interesting, because its nearest word in English, gladly, is not used often. However, gern is used quite often in Deutsch, usually to denote when one likes to do something.
6) Die Straβe, die Straβen – (noun) street.
7) Der Messer, die Messer – (noun) knife.
8) Gehen – (verb) to go. Present: ich gehe, du gehst, er/sie/es geht, wir gehen, ihr geht, sie/Sie gehen. Perfect: gegangen.
9) Auch – (adverb) also.
10) Danke schön – (interjection) thank you very much.