Almost 5,000 miles from home is where I’ll be in exactly a week. The reality of it all is finally starting to sink in and honestly, I’m overwhelmed. There are so many emotions I’m feeling and so strongly that overwhelmed is the only way to describe my current state. I am finally going to have my “going away to college moment, and it’s exciting as well as anxiety inducing. This will be the very first time I am living away from home, so I don’t really know what to expect. Especially in Germany. My final week here is going to be filled with overpacking, goodbyes, laughs and tears. I’ve already started to say my goodbyes but a letter my friend wrote me reminded me that this is only temporary. She doesn’t know German, but she ended it with “Bis Später!” a gentle reminder that I will see her and everyone else later. I just hope that my language skills are enough to get me by without too many setbacks. I also hope that I don’t let my mental health get the best of me with the changes and challenges I’ll be facing. Mostly, I’m curious to see how I’ll be within the next three semesters and all the ways I can grow and learn. Despite all that I’m feeling I just know this adventure will be one of the most memorable of my life and that it will be worth it when it’s over.