Today is the big day!!! I’m sitting in the airport enjoying traveling alone more than I should, taking my time to do this first blog post eat and read my book. First Orlando to Newark, then Newark to Dublin. Granted I’m not too pumped about this long travel day, but I know it will be well worth it. I’m about to study abroad in Ireland for over 3 months. being that this is my first time leaving the United States, this is kinda sorta a big deal for me. Plus this is my first time traveling on my own, so I’m just trying out all these new experiences. I’m so excited to explore a part of the world that I’ve never before seen and absorb any pieces of culture that I possibly can…can’t wait until to get this change of scenery, I definitely need it more than ever. This 8 hour flight will hopefully provide me with that much needed time to catch up on missed sleep. I can’t wait to get to Ireland and get started with my adventures…oh and my classes too. I’ll be taking off within the hour…this airport wifi kind of sucks so until next time!! Next stop Dublin 🙂