Wow! The past couple of weeks have been so much fun with traveling and events set up by our program! This last weekend we traveled about an hour and half outside of Amsterdam to go participate in the Pride Walk of Rotterdam. I think my favorite part was seeing the difference in the architecture compared to Amsterdam. The history of Amsterdam is what makes it so beautiful with the old homes and the canals, but during the war Rotterdam was bombed so they have completely rebuilt it. It’s a modern city with tall buildings and a lot of families. I really enjoyed getting to see another city in the Netherlands!
I’ve also traveled to Germany for Oktoberfest which was amazing to see the German culture and how they celebrate there! Another place that we went was a small town south of Amsterdam called Gouda. This is where gouda cheese was made! The food was so good and the people were so friendly! I’m really looking forward to our next big trip which is at the end of the week to Morocco in Africa for 2 weeks. I think this will really tie together what we have been studying in class about race and gender inequalities. Here are some of my pictures from Rotterdam, Oktoberfest and Gouda!