Leaving Rome was one of the hardest goodbyes I’ve ever experienced. I fell completely in love with this city and all the amazing people I met along the way. In only three short months, I traveled to 7 new countries and countless of cities. As sappy as it sounds, I made so many new friends and…
Author: dszymanski@rollins.edu
Month 3
Wow, already month 3! The first week of November, I traveled to Turin, Italy for a class excursion. This trip was for my Sports and Society class. While there we visited the superga where all of the Torino soccer team died in 1939. The site is still preserved and visited by fans every day. Every…
Month 2
Time is going by way too quickly. Thinking about signing up for spring classes next week makes me feel like my abroad experience is almost over. This month has been incredible. Over fall break I traveled to four new countries in only nine days. We started in Amsterdam. I loved how everyone rode bikes and…